Hrana je vrhunska, Job drema (ura je že čez 7), Maša je še vedno pijana, Jaka poje rusko himno, Luka pjeva hrvatke pjesmi, Matevž bi moral delati sklece, jem stracciotella jogurt, ki ga lahko dobim le v Bolgariji.
Napisal: Šegi
moč komentarja:
Ne vem, kaj naj delam... Moj cimer je na stranišču, ker ima prebavne težave. Matevž in Žan delata komutativno algebro, ostali so še manj zabavni. Kje je moj stracciotella jogurt. Pridi Sveti Duh...
moč komentarja:
Študenje so zelo asocialni, profesor je svoj scracciotella jogurt, Maša je pijana, Lovro je komi, John Jayne pere denar, delam origamije.
Napisal: okhranitel
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I had veri busy dey. My shift ending and I want sleep. I must go down to čeck if bilding empty. F*k me life, kids play ping pong and veri loud. I no can sleep. How make them leive? I no speek english. I go and say them: "I... I think you ... must go." They go and I sleep. Wuld not IMC agein.
Napisal: Security guard
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I was just stationed at my guard post playing Tanki Online when I overheard a few youngsters having a peculiar conversation. They were under the impression that my English level was subpar. I believe they must have met my brother, the other security guard. They were trying to figure out how to inquire about the possibility of entering the establishment known as the Gym. While giggling, they looked up pictures of the interior of the aforementioned Gym. I silently awaited the confrontation.
I barely contained my laughter as they approached me. They requested the knowledge of the opening hours of the Basketball court, using the most basic possible English. It was like conversing with my dimwit brother. I was met with a dilemma. The Gym was already closed for the day, but would these children comprehend such a sophisticated argument?
I opted to falsely inform them that the managers of the said court were absent for the following fortnight. That should prevent them from further inquiries for the duration of the event. Visibly downcast, they thanked me and hurriedly turned to leave the building. I smirked as I noticed the interface of Google Translate on one of their tablets. The doors closed just in time, as my laptop was already counting down to the next battle.
In conclusion, even though the IMC provides much-needed diversity during my scheduled working hours, it is also a kerfuffle of ill-behaved students. Should it be up to me, I would not host the IMC in the years to come. Despite that, I was able to play Tanki Online while being on the payroll, so it was an overall enjoyable experience.
moč komentarja:
A je vse ok z vami
Napisal: John Jayne
moč komentarja:
I like money very much. Bring me my money
Also I would like to thank our sponsor Uawiii for giving me even more money and providing the students with spy watches, 10/10
Napisal: Gospod Jezus
moč komentarja:
Pridi, Sveti Duh, pridi, Luč srca,
V Sinovi ljubezni vžgi duha.
Ti nas osvobajaš vseh strahov.
Podeli Cerkvi svojih darov.
1. Preko gorskih vod razlivaš moč,
Na večer v škrlat krasiš nebo.
Toda v meni ena želja tli,
Da v mojem srcu spet zaživiš.
2. Vsako misel, vse, kar govorim,
In vse, kar storim, napolni Ti.
Kajti v meni ena želja tli,
Da v mojem srcu spet zaživiš.
3. Bodi Kralj vseh sanj, Kralj vseh skrbi,
Vsega, kar bilo je in še ni.
Kajti v meni ena želja tli,
Da v mojem srcu spet zaživiš.
4. V tebi pravim : « Jezus je Gospod »,
V tebi znova božji sem otrok.
V meni ena sama želja tli,
Da v mojem srcu vedno živiš.