Osebnostno neprimeren za pedagoško delo. Izredno razdražljiv in zadirčen.
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Vzvišen in dolgočasen....Neprimeren za sodobnega profesorja na univerzi.
Napisal: simply the best
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A very badly organized class, and it seems either the prof. doesn't feel this or he just doesn't care, but surely he thinks its a par excellence. Unfortunately he lead by example so his teach. assis are same as bad. :( It should be an elective course, for sure
Napisal: O-Bhoy
moč komentarja:
Dougčasan, ni nobene razlike med SM1 na preddiplomcu in SM2 na magisteriju, slabo razlaga, ne pozna nobene sodobno teorije menadžmenta. Asistenta sta mu super interesantni in prijazni.
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Zelo slabo predava, res nima niti malo občutka za poudarjanje z tonom glasu. Vse je tako monotono, da lahko zaspiš zraven. Na kakršna koli vprašanja odgovarja zelo sitno kot, da se mu ne da tam bit. Ni niti priblizeno primeren za predavatelja.
Napisal: jani
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Na slajdih pol stvari izmišljenih, v nobeni knjigi ne duha ne sluha o tem. Človek konstantno zamuja in kot izgovor uporablja ljubljanski promet, ko pa nekdo drug zamudi, ga pošlje ven. Poleg tega ima slab in vzvišen odnos do študentov... predavanja za zaspat... res škoda :/
Napisal: Obiskovalec
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Neprimeren za profesorja. Popoln egotrip in narcis. Slaba predavanja.
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Everything is a matrix. Table? A matrix. Linear function? A matrix. The world? A matrix.
If you plan on attending these lectures do yourself a favor and carry a sharp object on hand to inflict pain upon yourself at immediate notice, or simply show up drugged to shit, because if you pay attention without posessing humor prevention methods similar to those suggested above you will eventually burst into laughter, which will probably blow up your passing grade along with the guy's bloated ego.
If you like satire, top shit. 5/5 lecture. Strongly recommended.
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moč komentarja:
"It is so bad, I wanna give you a zero. But that's not possible. So I give you, a one."
Napisal: Obiskovalec
moč komentarja:
Neprimeren za profesorja. Popoln egotrip in narcis. Slaba predavanja.
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Zelo zvišan, pri predavanjih imaš občutek kot da mu je vseeno za vse.
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Goes into super saiyan mode when someone is 10 minutes late
moč komentarja:
Everything is a matrix. Table? A matrix. Linear function? A matrix. The world? A matrix.
If you actually plan on attending these lectures make sure to carry a sharp object with you or simply show up drugged to shit. Should you neglect posess such humor-preventing devices and actually pay attention, I guarantee you will eventually burst into laughter, which will blow up your grade along with the guy's inflated ego.
But hey, if you like satire, these lectures are top. Don Quijote don't have shit on this guy. I can't remember the last time I laughed so genuinely at anyone. 5/5
moč komentarja:
"It is so bad, I wanna give you a zero. But that's not possible. So I give you, a one."