We had a student with actual working experience in our group and every time that girl said something we could see that Mojca has no idea how things are done in real life. It was embarrassing although the girl was always super polite and we could say she didn't want to underestimate Mojca's "knowledge". Honestly, I totally agree with the other comment, as I also don't think she should be teaching Entrepreneurship or anything business-related without actual working experience. Perhaps something related to Psychology and theory.
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Entrepreneurship is by far the worst subject I had the privilege of suffering through so far. The workload of the course is abnormally huge and not to mention useless.
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She is a nice person but unfortunately has no knowledge to teach entrepreneurship. It was so sad when she said in the intro lecture that her boyfriend and parents are entrepreneurs, so she has a lot of experience. :/
Napisal: simply the best
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She is not bad, but I think that the prof. Svetek isn't suitable for teaching business subjects like Entr or Business Environment. She has a teaching potential for sure, but I would rather see her in courses like HRM (prob the best for her) or Organizational Behavior or Management at the first year.
Prikaži komentarje ki so prejeli veliko negativnih glasov
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She is nice and makes her lectures interesting. She has high standards, but also always offers help when you ask for it. I liked her classes.
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Asistentka ima izkušnje v tržnem raziskovanju in poučuje predvsem različne modele za analizo trgov in panog. Splača se it na konzultacije, ker daje dobre, konkretne povratne informacije. Snov pomaga tudi pri drugih predmetih. Na predavanja hodi dobro pripravljena in ima dober odnos do študentov.