Her comments like "Do 100 examples and you'd get what I am saying!" are telling enough about her attitude towards students. She tends to say that education hurts and you should find a way to solve all your math problems by yourself.
I wish that teaching assistant, Aleš, could teach all the lectures, seminars and exercises. That would be heaven. This is hell.
moč komentarja:
Njena izjava "znajdite se sami," po tem ko jo študent lepo prosi, da na kratko ponovi povedan stavek, perfektno povzame njen odnos do študentov, in na splošno odnos do poučevanja na EF.
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I don't understand how she is allowed to teach. She couldn't explain what 1 + 1 was to a toddler, let alone do complex derivatives for college students.
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Verjamem, da ima dosti znanja,a je popolnoma neprimerna za predavateljico, vidim pa da na magistrskem študiju poučuje precej predmetov-če se le, da se izognite "njenim" smerem.
Napisal: Ta Pridn
moč komentarja:
Profesorica med predavanji bere ne poučuje drugače, kot da bere iz slajd-ov. Njeno znanje angleškega jezika je prav tako porazno.
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She doesn't know how to teach, she's only reading from the presentation. She's not explaining anything so don't bother siting in her class.
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she should put on a bra
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She is one of people world would be better place if they don’t exist.
Napisal: Capo di Banda
moč komentarja:
Pah govorim za 2.letnik (u 1.letniku nism hodu na predavanja k je najbl useless stvar ever) une k bote uzel ekonomsko smer...to kar ona predava ti na predavanjih kind of dobr pomaga če maš zglede popisane k jih velik nardi. Ko pa reče kaj bo na kolokviju oz. kaj ne bo...tega ji ne lih na slepo verjet, če ne se vam bo predvajala pesma dragane mirković, če bote lih zard tega slabo pisal : "Zato što sam ti, verovala slepo"
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To kar reče da bo na izpitu, defintivno ne bo na izpitu!
Napisal: Iskreno
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Nezna podajat snovi, samo branje slajdov. Ne uporabna predavanja, so save urself some time.
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She has a great sense of humor, yes she is a strict professor but also fair. If you do listen to her explanations carefully and attend lectures and practice classes, they do make sense. She is a good person and she will help you overcome the problems if she sees that you are trying.
Prikaži komentarje ki so prejeli veliko negativnih glasov
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Great professor with enormus knowledge and great sense of humour... Most importantly, great hairstyle!!! 😍😍